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BNB Chain Hackathon at Binance Blockchain Week: Recap and Winners

2023.11.14  •  5 min read
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What happens when you bring a group of pioneers and innovators together in the same room and get them to hack away? 

We found out at Binance Blockchain Week! We witnessed impressive alchemy as hackers transformed ideas into reality at the BNB Chain Hackathon in Istanbul. 

Focusing on the Infra, DeFi, Gaming, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tracks, Day 1 and Day 2 set the scene for a diverse hackathon experience, bringing together global talents for a marathon of coding, collaboration, and creative breakthroughs.

Day 1: Networking, Workshops, and Hacking Begins

The first day kicked off with check-in and networking, setting the stage for participants to connect and form teams. The opening ceremony featured inspiring words from BNB Chain core team members and event sponsors including Polyhedra, Open Campus, Space ID, and Dora Hacks.

After teams were formed over light snacks and beverages, the hacking began in earnest. The intense hacking sessions continued as teams worked tirelessly on their projects, fueled by their passion for blockchain innovation.

Day 2: Intense Hacking and Knowledge-Sharing

The second day of the hackathon maintained the high energy levels from the previous day. Hacking sessions were interspersed with partner workshops, offering participants the opportunity to learn from industry experts and refine their projects.

Breaks provided time for networking and informal discussions, fostering a collaborative spirit among the participants. The diversity of the workshops, covering a range of topics from technical insights to industry trends, added immense value to the hackathon experience. 

Workshops on BNB Greenfield, opBNB and Polyhydra’s workshop on “Bridges: risky network cable between blockchains” all enriched the knowledge-sharing process. These sessions not only served as checkpoints for the teams, but also as opportunities for feedback and improvement.

Day 2 concluded with anticipation for the final day when the winners would be announced. The teams had put in tremendous effort, and it was evident that these projects were shaping up to be truly innovative and impactful.

Unveiling The Winners! 🏆

After two intense days of competition, we are pleased to announce the winners! *drum roll please* 

First place goes to Zypher Games, winning $15,000

Zypher’s Games Engine enables fully decentralized gaming powered by Zero Knowledge Proofs along with AI to create Autonomous Worlds within the games. 

Second place goes to MoveSpace, winning $10,000

With decentralized data labeling and on-chain proof, MoveSpace aims to bring higher transparency to data labeling and data usage, providing high-performance AI and dApps with accelerated data engineering.

Third place goes to Renaissance of NFTs, winning $5,000

Renaissance of NFTs: A unique card-based game that integrates inventive gaming mechanisms, NFTs and Web3 Social features on BNB Greenfield and the broader BSC ecosystem.

Recognition for projects with potential

Recoginised for its user experience - Filelock

A platform for secure data storage and sharing on the blockchain, leveraging Greenfield on the BNB ecosystem. It allows users to upload various data types and encrypts and stores them on the decentralized Greenfield network built on top of BSC.

Recognized for its innovation - Privize

A protocol contract that spans multiple blockchain networks, allowing decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contract developers/organizations to effortlessly generate terms and conditions.

Both Firelock and Privize were awarded $2,500 each. Firelock was

Congratulations to all of the winners! The hackathon brought forth an impressive array of projects, with other standout teams contributing to different tracks offering innovative solutions:

DexAI: Integrating AI into BNB Chain, DexAI focuses on creating an artificial intelligence-based chatbot service that enhances accessibility, information access, and user experience within the blockchain realm.

Apus Network: Aiming to democratize computation, Apus Network is building a decentralized ZK-Proof compute marketplace to address the fragmentation in the current landscape, ensuring affordability, censorship resistance, and failure resilience.

Blufield: Serves as a BNB Greenfield and BNB Smart Chain (BSC) integrated knowledge sharing platform. Users can create customizable profiles, corresponding groups on BNB Greenfield and a group manager contract on BSC. The platform enables subscription fees or donations through the dApp for accessing private content shared by creators.

Nomad Net: A blockchain-based social media application that redefines user autonomy and network portability. It ensures users maintain ownership of their follower networks, protecting them from arbitrary deplatforming and upholding digital rights.

Wiser: Pioneering the online gambling industry, Wiser is a fully decentralized, on-chain betting platform with a user-shared bankroll system. It attempts to reduce long-term financial risk and aims to become an educational hub for gamblers through its 'Play to Learn' initiative.

Data2swap: A personal data marketplace focusing on behavior data for targeted marketing. It allows businesses to target users and establish P2P channels for offers, and ensures all advertising budgets go directly into the user's wallet.

opBNB Reputation Scorer: This project brings an on-chain reputation layer to opBNB, helping users build, manage, and leverage their on-chain reputation to get personalized experiences in Web3. It also provides a powerful tool for developers and existing products to make data-driven decisions.

KEYTRUST: A storage management solution for businesses that aims to ensure the security of data storage and management.

NFT Bridge: A solution addressing the need for seamless cross-chain compatibility between the BSC and opBNB chains, enabling the secure movement of NFT assets between these distinct blockchain networks.

Sentinel: A marketplace that regulates the distribution of tickets within the blockchain community. Tickets are delivered as NFTs to users who complete questionnaires created by hackathon sponsors, providing incentives for valuable feedback.

SEMPAI: Focused on promoting sustainability and enabling users to save on energy costs, SEMPAI aims to incentivize energy savings. 

The diverse range of projects showcases the incredible talent and creativity present at the BNB Chain Hackathon, highlighting the innovation that can be achieved within the blockchain space.


The BNB Chain Hackathon was not just about competition; it was a celebration of learning, collaboration, and the hacker spirit.

Participants explored new ideas, pushed boundaries, and contributed to the evolution of blockchain technology. BNB Chain maintains communication with all participants to support them in their development journey – turning ideas into reality!

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