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BNB Chain Zero2Hero Hackathon Registration Now Open

2023.3.6  •  3 min read
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We are excited to announce that registration for the BNB Chain Zero2Hero Hackathon is now open.

This initiative presents an incredible opportunity for developers to come together and drive innovation in the blockchain industry by creating groundbreaking dApps and Web3 solutions.

Registrations will be accepted from March 6 to April 16 and the hackathon will run from April 17 to May 14. Sign up today and compete with the best in the industry!


The hackathon features seven tracks including DeFi, Infra & Scalability, SocialFi, Cross-chain, NFT, Gamify & Metaverse, Greenfield, and Innovation. Participants can compete in teams or take on the challenge as individuals. BNB Chain will conduct workshops, staff office hours, and host AMAs to ensure that all participants are fully supported.


The hackathon will award cash prizes of $15K to the first place winner, $6K to the second place winner, and $4K to the third place winner for each track. The first place winner for each track will also be automatically accepted into the Zero2Hero Incubator program, which will give developers training in Web3 marketing, tokenomics design, community building, and more.

Moreover, throughout the hackathon sponsors will provide cash bounties to participants in a wide variety of areas including cloud applications, rollups, NFTs, derivatives, synthetic assets, decentralized computation, yield farming, Web3 Gaming, and DAOs.

Judging criteria

Judging criteria will index heavily towards projects with full MVPs launched on BNB Chain Testnet, but clean and creative implementations of a feature on an existing BNB Chain dApp will also be acceptable. All submissions will need to incorporate a product or service offered by one or more of the hackathon partners. And, all participants will need to show a steady commit trail and fully document their thought process for the judges’ consideration, including a competitive analysis, an overview of BNB Chain tools or integrations necessary for the project to function optimally, and a performance roadmap.


The BNB Chain Zero2Hero Hackathon, powered by Encode Club, has partnered with several leading companies to provide tech support to participants:

  • Chainlink Labs: official oracle partner
  • Automata Network: official privacy partner
  • Nodereal: official node provider
  • Tea: official dev tool
  • Hacken: official security partner
  • RSS3: official on-chain and off-chain social content aggregator
  • PolyhedraZK: official infrastructure provider

Additionally, Axelar, Port3, and Polyhedra are supporting BNB Chain's cross-chain, SocialFi, and Infra & Scalability tracks, and bounties are provided by Shorter Finance, Blockless, Web3MQ, and Crossbell.

The main goal of the hackathon is to encourage and inspire participants to think outside the box to come up with unique and groundbreaking ideas that leverage the power of blockchain technology. With a focus on building and collaboration, this event provides an opportunity for participants to network and learn from other like-minded individuals.

We invite developers around the world to join us and bring your innovative ideas to life. Learn more about the BNB Chain Zero2Hero builder series and sign up for the Hackathon today!

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