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BSC Project Spotlight: CryptoBlades

2021.6.28  •  4 min read
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In the Project Spotlight series, we interview projects developing on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Previously, we shared interviews with many projects, including Tenderly, BunnyPark, MOBOX, Covalent, Cybertino, Ampleforth, and most recently Featured by Binance. In this edition of BSC Project Spotlight, you'll get to meet CryptoBlades, an NFT role-playing game running on BSC.

Spotlight on CryptoBlades

IMPORTANT: Please note the following content does not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products or services of the project, organization, or individual.

Please describe CryptoBlades to those unfamiliar with it. What's your vision and mission?

Our Vision: For gamers to regain control of their digital assets, Play to Earn, and increase adoption of blockchain technology in their everyday lives.

Our Mission: To provide a fun and profitable experience for our players, to create a healthy and excited community around blockchain gaming, and build an ecosystem of Play to Earn systems to meet the needs of all gamers around the world.

When was the idea behind CryptoBlades born, and what led to it?

It came to fruition in January of 2021 when I was considering the next gaming project we would start this year. I have been actively involved in blockchain since 2012 but had not considered building a blockchain game before. That changed when I got the idea to store players’ digital assets, time, and effort into NFTs, that would evolve over time as players utilize them. From there, we added elements of combat, fantasy, and role-playing games that define CryptoBlades as it stands today. Finally, Play to Earn has been poorly designed in the past, requiring massive investments of time and money, only to have slow ROI measured in months. We have created a system that returns players’ funds in weeks or days, allows them to continue earning, while also increasing the value of their NFTs daily.

Can you tell us more about your team's background and introduce the core members?

I am Philip Devine, owner of Riveted Games, developer of CryptoBlades. I have owned and operated Riveted Games since 2014, releasing multiple award-winning titles on Steam, the world’s largest game marketplace as well as independently. I am also a developer at heart and have carefully built my team based on their past experience in game and blockchain development.

Dan Karsai - Hungary - Lead Game Developer
Dan has worked with Riveted Games since 2016 and specializes in 3D graphics, Unity, Game Design, and Programming. Dan has worked on Lightspeed Frontier, the award-winning space simulation game, Spoxel, and Nations at War. He's in charge of designing our core gameplay graphics and mechanics.

Ray Hammarling - Sweden - Lead Blockchain Developer
Working with us since 2019, Ray is an expert in backend technologies, experimental technologies, and architecture. He has developed the core Smart Contracts which have received praise from auditors and open source contributors for their design and efficiency.

Kyle Kemp - United States - Lead Frontend Developer
Kyle has over 108 repositories on GitHub and is in the top 0.1% of users for his star rating. To put it simply, he is one of the best front-end developers in the world. He has designed our user interface and optimized our user experience.

What's your security strategy? Are you going through some audits or acquiring certifications?

We have passed our first audit seamlessly as there were no security holes discovered and we published it publicly on our website. Additionally, our game contract is under audit with completion datee on June 17. To date, we have had 0 (zero) breaches since launching our token in March of 2021.

What are the main advantages of CryptoBlades for the user, compared to a similar blockchain game?

In blockchain gaming, Play to Earn means players can earn money by playing a game, in some way. However, this has come to mean very little in some games that claim the genre. In fact some games take up to 6 months to return your initial investment before you start earning. As we all have seen, 6 months is too long in crypto and nothing is guaranteed. That’s why we designed a proprietary system that keeps SKILL tokens in circulation, paying players up to 32 times per day, for profits of up to $80 per day after only weeks of playing. These returns are backed by power NFTs that gain unique stats over time, and the more they’re used the stronger they become. This allows us to have the best Pay to Earn rewards in the crypto market today.

I want to start using CryptoBlades . Where should I start?

When you visit, you’ll see a Get Started button. This is a wiki on how to set up your wallet, buy SKILL, and play the game. You can find in-depth articles on our wiki, as well as an active community on Discord and Telegram as well as news updates on Twitter.

Why did you decide to build on Binance Smart Chain?

Low gas fees, reliability, stable and popular currency (BNB), and developer support. We have been impressed while working on Binance Smart Chain due to the responsiveness of their support, their willingness to give project creators a chance to be adopted on a wide market, and their continued ability to bring more users onto the chain.

What's next on your roadmap? What should we be looking forward to?

We will be working on additional game features such as Guilds, Raids, Leaderboards, Lands, and more player power-ups. We will also be working on integrating bridges to other chains that are popular with blockchain gamers to bring them into the Binance sphere. We are actively involved with our community, and so we will also always be leaving room to develop community features and suggestions.
