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BNB Chain Ecosystem Catalyst Awards

2023.8.15  •  3 min read
Blog post image.

Nominate Projects That Inspire Excellence

BNB Chain proudly approaches its 3rd anniversary! As we reflect on the path we've traveled, it becomes evident that our success is intricately woven with the dedication and contributions of both the BNB Chain community and the exceptional projects within our ecosystem.

The BNB Chain Ecosystem Catalyst Awards stands as a tribute to the outstanding progress achieved by these projects, serving as a testament to the collaborative spirit that drives our blockchain network forward. We are thrilled to announce this award that spotlights the contributions of projects within the ecosystem.

Through a transparent and democratic process, we will host an online voting mechanism to select the most deserving projects – a celebration, focusing on impact,chosen by the very community that has nurtured BNB Chain's growth. Engaging in this campaign also brings forth exciting incentives! Those who contribute a minimum of 33 votes will qualify to mint the BNB Chain 3-year anniversary NFT and stand a chance to win exclusive rewards.

So, brace yourselves for an exhilarating celebration of achievements and join us in recognizing the incredible endeavors that have propelled BNB Chain to new heights!

Awards that Inspire Excellence

Central to this campaign are the BNB Chain Ecosystem Catalyst Awards, which recognize and honor projects that have made significant contributions to the BNB Chain ecosystem. These awards are split into four distinct categories, each celebrating excellence in different segments:

Innovation Excellence: This category celebrates the pioneers who boldly venture into uncharted territories, harnessing cutting-edge applications of AI, opBNB, and Greenfield technologies. Their revolutionary ideas and transformative solutions reshape the landscape of technology.

Decentralize Finance Segment: Recognizing projects that are at the forefront of decentralized finance, innovating and pushing boundaries to create novel financial solutions.

Gaming, NFT & the Metaverse Segment: Embracing the exciting world of gaming, NFTs, and the metaverse, this category highlights projects that are shaping the future of interactive entertainment and digital ownership.

Infrastructure Segment: The backbone of any ecosystem, this segment acknowledges projects that contribute to the foundation and infrastructure of the BNB Chain ecosystem.

How to Participate – Nominate, Support & Vote!

The campaign unfolds in five steps, ensuring transparency, engagement, and a fair selection process:

Nomination (Aug 15 - 23): The community nominates projects through a dedicated form, while projects sign up to enter the competition.

Shortlisting/Reviewing (Aug 24 - 28): A panel reviews the nominations and shortlists the top 20 candidates for each award. This step ensures that only the most deserving projects proceed to the next stage.

Candidate Announcement (Aug 29): The shortlisted projects are announced, allowing time for the community or projects to voice any objections.

Voting Session (Aug 31- Sep 6): Community engagement takes center stage as users (BAB holders) cast their votes through an on-chain voting process. The top 5 winners in each category (ranked by vote count) will emerge victorious.

To participate in the voting process, users need to hold BAB tokens and link their wallet address to the platform. You can mint your BAB token here.

Voting entails selecting projects for recognition, with each user having the opportunity to vote for up to 5 projects out of 20 candidates daily. Alternatively, users can opt to support just one project if they prefer. Notably, once a vote is cast, it cannot be modified or altered.

Winner Announcement & NFT Rewards (Sep 7): The winners are announced, and NFT certificates are distributed to the winning projects, solidifying their recognition and achievements.

Users who cast at least 33 votes will qualify to mint the BNB Chain 3-year anniversary NFT and stand a chance to win exclusive rewards.

Your Vote Counts!

The countdown to the BNB Chain's 3rd anniversary is on, and the excitement is palpable. As the community comes together to nominate, vote and celebrate, the BNB Chain Ecosystem Catalyst Awards propels the BNB Chain ecosystem into an even brighter future alongside its community. Projects are strongly encouraged to participate in the nomination process too. Nominate here!

Stay tuned for updates and the voting page will be live on DappBay on 31 August. Get ready to cast your votes, mint NFTs, and be part of the journey that's shaping the future of technology and innovation.

Kindly be informed that BNB Chain retains the right to modify or revoke this event at any moment and without prior notification, exercising its exclusive discretion.

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