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BSC Project Spotlight: Bitquery

2020.12.5  •  2 min read
Blog post image.

In the previous articles of the Project Spotlights series, where we’re interviewing projects developing on Binance Smart Chain, we shared with you some of the first few projects – ForTube, BurgerSwap, Bounce, Arkane Network, and AnySwap. Today, we continue with the Project Spotlights interviews, and the fourth project you’ll learn about is Bitquery.

Please describe your project to those who might not be familiar with Bitquery?

Bitquery: Bitquery is a blockchain data company. We build tools to explore, analyze, and consume blockchain data easily for individuals and businesses.

Why did you decide to migrate/build on Binance Smart Chain?

Bitquery: We integrated with Binance Smart Chain because it’s a growing ecosystem, and a lot of developers are attracted to it. So we want to help those developers to build blockchain applications quickly.

What do you see as the main advantage of BSC compared to other


Bitquery: BSC is built for performance. Besides, it’s completely compatible with EVM (Ethereum’s virtual machine). Therefore, Ethereum developers’ can migrate their applications with little or no hassle and better performance, with minimum network fees.

How was the migration process? Can you name some of the highlights or positive experiences and, on the other hand, some of the challenges?

Bitquery: Our Integration with the Binance Smart chain was pretty smooth, and the Binance team quickly solved the few challenges we had.

What kind of perks or benefits within the Binance ecosystem directly affect the performance and success of Bitquery?

Bitquery: Binance ecosystem is growing rapidly, and the Binance team is very helpful to projects building atop BSC. Binance helps projects in marketing, offers grants, and development support. Besides, if you have a token, Binance gives you the world’s biggest exchange to offer your token to retail customers.

What do you hope to see next from the BSC community?

Bitquery: We hope Binance will continuously support the existing and new projects and help them achieve their full potential.

Where do you see DeFi and BSC in five years?

Bitquery: DeFi will be integrated into more mainstream applications. We think it will have greater penetration in personal finance products. In the next few years, BSC will attract more developers, projects, and capital in its ecosystem.

Video of Bitquery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJF_MP8UtHA.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the Binance incentives for BSC projects, please visit https://binancex.dev/index.html.

Alternatively, you can directly apply for the funding via this simple and straightforward form.

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