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Invitation for dApp Developers to Use Binance Chain Wallet

2020.9.21  •  2 min read
Blog post image.


Binance Chain Extension Wallet is a Crypto Wallet for Binance Chain, and Binance Smart Chain. You can send and receive funds on Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, and cross-chain transfers between both of Binance’s blockchains. It’s currently supported in major browsers: Chrome and Firefox.

dApp Development Guide

Since the latest release, Binance Chain Extension Wallet enables access for distributed applications or "Dapps" in your browser!

  • Blockchain Connection
    You can connect to the existing full nodes of Binance Smart Chain. For development, we recommend running in testnet first.
  • Binance Chain Provider API
    Binance Chain Wallet injects a global API into websites visited by its users at the window.BinanceChain.
  • Basic Usage
    For any non-trivial Binance Smart Chain web application — a.k.a. web3 site — to work, you will have to:
  1. Detect the Binance Smart Chain provider (window.BinanceChain)
  2. Detect which Binance Smart Chain network the user is connected to. If Binance Chain is selected, you can fire a network switch request.
  3. Get the user's Binance Smart Chain account(s)
    You can learn how to accomplish the 2 and 3 from the above list by reviewing the snippet in the Using the Provider section

Secure Your Fund

Extension Wallet allows users to manage accounts and their keys in a variety of ways while isolating them from the site context.

You can import your feature to recover your address


Cross-chain transfer

Cross-chain transfer between Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain with Extension Wallet is very sleek. You just need to type an address of different networks. Binance Extension Wallet will:

  • Auto-detect network type
  • Dual direction support
  • Automatic gas fee calculation

Detailed user guide: https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/wallet/binance.html#transfer-testnet-bnb-from-bsc-to-bc

Staking BNB

A delegator can delegate its BNB to a chosen validator to participate in the consensus and earn rewards.

To delegate your BNB to the current validators of Binance Smart Chain, you can go to this page: https://www.binance.org/en/staking


A detailed tutorial on how to delegate can be found here


If you don’t have the Binance Chain extension installed in your browser, you can download the extension here.

Firefox users are more likely to access the latest version timely

Link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/binance-chain/?src=search


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