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The DeFi League Welcomes New Additions

2022.9.30  •  2 min read
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No other industry in the world evolves as fast as blockchain and crypto, with almost 300 million users and thousands of projects interacting with the technology regularly.

An exciting area of this development is decentralized finance (DeFi), which offers a censorship-resistant and inclusive environment that will allow anyone to access the new borderless financial system. Anyone anywhere can access a wide range of products that would usually be out of their reach due to a lack of access to banking and financial services.

While the space has grown exponentially in recent years, DeFi is only at the very beginning of its journey. Solutions to generation-defining problems require deep and open collaboration.

That's why the BNB Chain community champions the collaborative spirit of the DeFi League. The DeFi League is a community that brings together visionary teams and projects to tackle the most significant challenges and opportunities and lay the groundwork for the future of decentralized finance. Today it welcomes Wombat Exchange, Multichain, Biswap, Ellipsis and Beefy Finance.

Introducing New Additions to the BNB Chain DeFi League

The DeFi League brings together leaders within the DeFi industry to tackle specific challenges in an organized and collaborative approach to building the infrastructure required to handle the future volume of users, data, and assets.

The DeFi League welcomes Wombat Exchange, Multichain, Biswap, Ellipsis and Beefy Finance. The new additions underlines BNB Chain's commitment to supporting upcoming innovators within the DeFi space.

DeFi League members are firmly committed to supporting new protocols and their inventive endeavours. With Wombat Exchange supporting liquid staking alongside Beefy, we want to ensure that the collaborative spirit of the group continues to garner further innovation.

DeFi League Commitments

The participating projects convene regularly to review progress, provide constructive feedback, and discuss any other agenda. Together, they will continue to tackle challenges and blockers, discuss new ideas, introduce new grant programs and reward the best participants.

This collective effort primarily focuses on three key areas:

1. Innovation
DeFi League will listen to the community and focus on building pioneering products that deliver new experiences to users.

The DeFi League will concentrate on the most demanded features by the community to build products that will create value for users. The League will develop advanced DeFi legos to push innovation in the DeFi and lower the barriers required to build new DeFi products on BNB Chain.

2. Community
The DeFi League's approach to marketing will radically change how projects communicate with their audience, creating a more collaborative environment in the process. enabling them to collaborate more deeply with the community.

It will also focus on developing more user-friendly and digestible approaches to initial launches and fundraising, safer for both the users and projects. The community will receive regular DeFi industry insights and gain access to reports, conferences, and live events.

3. Security
The DeFi League will aggressively accelerate efforts in developing a more secure environment for users, assets, and data. Security is a critical foundation for products that users can trust and rely on.

Security will play a key role in the development and deployment of all DeFi League innovations and products.

A deep commitment to Innovation, Community, and Security will help nurture the growth for the next generation of DeFi builders and users.

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