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Streamline Token Launch on BSC with Open-Source Templates

2024.3.20  •  3 min read
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Are you looking to create your own token on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) but feeling overwhelmed by the coding process? Leveraging open-source contract templates can be the solution you need to simplify and accelerate your token development journey. 

Platforms like OpenZeppelin offer comprehensive templates that provide a solid foundation for your token contract, allowing you to focus on customizations rather than starting from scratch. Let’s explore how you can use these templates to bring your token to life.

Simplifying Development with Templates

Open-source contract templates, such as those provided by OpenZeppelin, offer a pre-designed structure for your token contract. This structure includes essential functionalities like token minting, burning, and permission management, saving you valuable time and effort. These templates are highly customizable, allowing you to adjust parameters to suit your specific requirements.

Testing Out a Template

Let's dive into a practical example using an ERC20 token template, which is applicable for BEP20 tokens as well. 

The above example for creating a token is based on the following details:

Contract name: MyToken

Token symbol: MTK

Premint: 100 million tokens preminted

The token contract is mintable, meaning privileged accounts will be able to mint more tokens.

The token is burnable, so users will be able to burn their tokens.

“Permit” is enabled as well so token holders will have the ability to authorize third parties to transfer tokens from their accounts without incurring gas fees.

Step-by-Step Guide

Would you prefer a more hands-on approach to learning while experimenting? Watch the video above for a comprehensive tutorial that walks you through the entire process.

  1. Set up your wallet: Begin by connecting your wallet and adding the BNB Chain to your wallet (MetaMask). Ensure you have some BNB in your account to cover transaction fees.
  2. Access contract templates: Visit platforms like OpenZeppelin to access contract templates. Choose a template that aligns with your token requirements and customize it accordingly.
  3. Compile and deploy using Remix: Copy the template code and paste it into Remix, a Solidity integrated development environment. Compile the code using an updated version of the (currently higher than 0.8.20). Then, deploy the contract using your wallet as the provider.
  4. Interact with your token: Once deployed, interact with your token contract. You can transfer tokens between accounts, mint new tokens, or burn existing ones using your wallet.
  5. Make your token tradable: Consider adding liquidity to make your token tradable on platforms like a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). Create a liquidity pool by supplying tokens and BNB, enabling others to buy and sell your token.

Apart from using open source templates, you also have the option to develop a token from scratch or launch it using a no-code platform. Read our previous tutorial to learn more.


Utilizing open-source templates for token development on the BSC can significantly streamline the process, allowing you to focus on customization rather than coding from scratch. 

By following a step-by-step approach, you can deploy your token contract efficiently. This not only accelerates development but also ensures a reliable and well-tested foundation for your token, enhancing its security and functionality. So, why wait? Start building your token on the BSC today and unleash its potential to the world.

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