Dear Community,
Binance Bridge adds a new feature of buy BNB as gas. When users swap their tokens to the BEP20 equivalents on Binance Smart Chain, they could choose to buy some BNB to pay for gas at the same time.
This feature is only available in v2
When users swap their tokens to the BEP20 equivalents on Binance Smart Chain, they also need to get some BNB to pay for gas for their future transactions.
There are 3 options: 0.5 BNB, 1BNB and 2 BNB
Note: The network fees are floating, you might get a different rate than you expected when your order is completed. The actual amount of token you receive can be different from the confirmation page
For more details: https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/guides/bnb-gas.html
Risk warning: Please try a small amount before swap a large amount.
Thanks for your support!
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