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Announcing v1.2.9: A Significant Hard Fork Release for BSC Mainnet

2023.8.3  •  2 min read
Blog post image.

We are thrilled to announce the release of version v1.2.9 for the BSC mainnet! This hard-fork release is a significant milestone that introduces both Plato and Hertz (Berlin, London) hard forks. The two hard forks have been thoroughly tested on Testnet and are ready for deployment on the mainnet.

Important Dates

  • Plato: Scheduled for block height 30,720,096, around Aug-10th-2023.
  • Hertz (Berlin, London): Scheduled for block height 31,302,048, around Aug-30th-2023.
  • Attention Validators:
  • All validators and full node operators on mainnet must switch their software version to v1.2.9 before Aug-10th-2023. For validators, please follow the steps to set up your vote key to enable fast finality: How To Set Up The Vote Key.

Key Upgrades


The Plato hard fork includes the following BEPs:

  • BEP-126: Introduce Fast Finality Mechanism, the 2nd part.


The Hertz hard fork will port some of London & Berlin upgrades from Ethereum to BSC for compatibility, including:

  • Berlin Upgrades Ported: BEP-225, BEP-229, BEP-230, BEP-231.
  • London Upgrades Ported: BEP-227, BEP-226, BEP-228, BEP-212.

Note: The Hertz hard fork will neither introduce a new burn mechanism nor the concept of GasTip.

Potential Impact

These upgrades bring many changes, so DApp developers & users must ensure they understand these changes and their potential impact on their business.

  • New transaction types: AccessList & DynamicFee(1559) by BEP-229, BEP-231, BEP-226.
  • Changes to gas metering: BEP-225, BEP-230, BEP-212.
  • New EVM opcode: BASEFEE, by BEP-227.
  • Restrictions on contract deployment: Prevent deploying contracts starting with 0xEF, by BEP-228.

For detailed changes, please refer to BNB Smart Chain Forum.


This hard-fork release is a significant advancement for the BSC community. We encourage all validators, node operators, developers, and users to review the detailed specifications, test in their environments, and prepare for the upcoming forks.

Let's work together to make this a smooth transition and continue to grow the BSC ecosystem. Feel free to reach out to our dev community on the forum with any questions or concerns!

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