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BUIDL Reward Program Updates - Leaderboards & More Resources

2020.10.28  •  2 min read
Blog post image.

Binance Smart Chain BUIDL Reward Program

To further encourage the development of the dApp ecosystem on Binance Smart Chain, has announced a new Binance Smart Chain BUIDL Reward Program. This reward program is part of the $100 million DeFi accelerator fund: up to $5 million worth of BNB will be paid back to developers in proportion to the gas used for their contracts.

Binance will reward qualified developers equivalent to 30% of gas paid by triggering the registered contracts.


Developer Leaderboard

A developer leaderboard is now available at All participants can query their smart contract’s gas usage here. In a previous blog, developers can use GraphQL API of to query their real-time total gas fee. This table displays both the total amount of gas fees and gas fees for this month.

The updated height of this form can be found at the bottom of this form.

Monthly Reward Distribution

If the check is passed, the contract will be recorded for rewards, which will be sent to the registered reward address within 15 days after the calendar month ends. As long as the accumulated reward for that contract is above 2 BNB. Details will be published in follow-up blogs.

Developer Tool List

Binance Smart Chain development team has published a guide to available tools, components, patterns, and platforms for developing applications on Binance Smart Chain.

Quick Start

If you're an Ethereum Developer, you're also a BSC developer. All the tools you're familiar with are seamlessly supported on BSC or only need custom config bsc network.

If you are already familiar with Truffle, Embark, OpenZeppelin SDK or Dapp Switch over to BSC's RPC and get started!

Name Description Support
Truffle Most popular smart contract development, testing, and deployment framework. Y
Embark Framework for DApp development Y
Waffle Framework for advanced smart contract development and testing, small, flexible, fast (based on ethers.js) Y
Dapp Framework for DApp development, successor to DApple Y
OpenZeppelin SDK OpenZeppelin SDK: A suite of tools to help you develop, compile, upgrade, deploy and interact with smart contracts. Y
0xcert JavaScript framework for building decentralized applications Y

Integrate with BSC

BSC Network is a powerful public blockchain. It supports almost all existing Ethereum tooling along with faster and cheaper transactions. If you are looking to integrate with BSC on of either:

  • a blockchain wallet,
  • building a tool for Ethereum or other EVM-compatible blockchains,

Deploy smart contracts
